Do you know how to get help in an emergency when it is not safe to speak or you can’t?
I didn’t. So here it is.
If an 000 caller doesn’t respond to the operator’s question: Emergency. Police? Fire? Ambulance? the call is put through to an interactive voice response (IVR).
The IVR will ask you to press 55 if you require emergency help.
It will ask 3 times before the call is disconnected.
If you press 55, the call is put through to the police who will try to locate you.
Police use the address for the phone service account where you live so make sure it is up to date.
If your call for help is not from your service address, police will still try to locate you.
Another great option is to install the EMERGENCY+ app on your lock screen of you phone. This integrates a call from 000 with critical location details.
I had no idea about Silent Emergency Calls and neither did a domestic violence helpline I rang for clarification when researching this tip.
Duirng 2020 lockdowns and restrictions, domestic violence increased as did suicide and self-harm so 55 is as vital to know as 000.
Knowing this information may also help your mental health.
We have no idea how many lives we could save if we shared this information.
Would you share it too please?