Do you know how to get help in an emergency when it is not safe to speak or you can’t?

I didn’t. So here it is.

If an 000 caller doesn’t respond to the operator’s question: Emergency. Police? Fire? Ambulance? the call is put through to an interactive voice response (IVR).
The IVR will ask you to press 55 if you require emergency help.
It will ask 3 times before the call is disconnected.

If you press 55, the call is put through to the police who will try to locate you.

Police use the address for the phone service account where you live so make sure it is up to date.

If your call for help is not from your service address, police will still try to locate you.

Another great option is to install the EMERGENCY+ app on your lock screen of you phone. This integrates a call from 000 with critical location details.

I had no idea about Silent Emergency Calls and neither did a domestic violence helpline I rang for clarification when researching this tip.

Duirng 2020 lockdowns and restrictions, domestic violence increased as did suicide and self-harm so 55 is as vital to know as 000.

Knowing this information may also help your mental health.

We have no idea how many lives we could save if we shared this information.

Would you share it too please?

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As author of a best-selling textbook on Management and Organisational Behaviour, now in its eleventh edition and used by over half a million students, I have read with great interest Anne’s innovative and thought provoking work on the neuroscience of change and The Almond Effect®. I am pleased to reference the work of Anne Riches AM in this major text as an internationally recognised leader in neuroscientific research and the management of change.
Laurie J. Mullins, Author – Management & Organisational Behaviour, Pearson Education Ltd
Anne Riches AM was ranked the best speaker with comments like “Anne Riches AM – outstanding”, “Anne Riches AM – loved her “realness”,“Great presenter – real highlight”, “An outstanding presenter, relevant, vibrant”, “Obviously excellent and readily applicable to work situations”, “Fantastic thought provoking workshop – very inspiring”, “High energy presentation – good stuff to take away”, “Invaluable information (that applies in all areas of life) presented in a fun, interactive manner”, “THE most powerful and useful session I think I have attended.”
Lyall Lukey, Convenor ELF Smartnet NZ
Anne … thank you! You knocked it out of the park!! It not only made but exceeded expectations. It was a lot of material to get into three hours but you did it … they got it … and now we have common language … plus we have a better means to communicate and deal with conscious issues.
Peter Niboli, Director, California Retail, JR Simplot Company
Thank you for another fantastic course. The course is great, and obviously meticulously planned. Through your own diverse experiences, your ability to think so quickly, your commitment to listen, understand and communicate effectively, you are able to bring issues to life. Your abilities and confidence become instilled in your participants, and as a manager, I have seen that transferred to the workplace.
Telephone Sales Manager. Call Centres, Qantas
From the personal feedback I have received, you certainly made a difference. On a personal note, I’m inspired and thankful that I had the opportunity to meet and learn from someone like you. You have no idea of the changes I have made in my life since listening to you.
Business Manager, Australian Taxation Office
Once an organisation engages you, you manage to ‘cut to the chase’ very quickly. You have an uncanny ability to engage with people (whether they want to or not!). What I am saying is, in addition to your many and varied professional qualifications, and your understanding of organisations, you really understand people and what makes them tick. You quickly win the trust of others. People feel very safe when they put themselves in your hands.
Virginia Briggs, Chief Executive Officer, MinterEllison
Anne brought a hugely impactful authentic and accessible style of presentation and conversation to the eBay Australia... Anne's unique style of connecting with participants in a caring and personable way through sharing her own experiences and knowledge on mental ill health was so wonderful. We have received so many fantastic reviews from staff who said the session deeply resonated with them and has helped them know how to start those challenging but important conversations.
Anna Gambrill, Retail Marketing Manager, eBay Australia.